Your new hires are likely already learning online at home…

Why are you still spending time and money herding all of your new hires into a classroom to get them up to speed? Get you on-boarding program wrong nowadays and you may get ghosted on their second day!

An online on-boarding program should:

  1. Allow all new hires to complete all hiring and HR paperwork online, and establish a workflow directly to your online training,

  2. Minimize manual process-driven tasks so that your HR people are free to invest their time more productively,

  3. Automate and standardize the communication of the organization’s cultural tenets (ex. Mission, Vision, Values, etc.),

  4. Be personalized and engaging, using interactive video or gaming principles to communicate how your firm works,

  5. Provide documentation and data to Managers on your new hires’ progress through the on-boarding program, and most important of all…


Train and on-board your new hires online quickly and effectively.

Enter your name and email to learn how we can put your new hire on-boarding program completely online.